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posts dated from: february 2014

Doodle Post


Doodle Post




Flippy Flop Source

Flippy Flop Source
Yesterday I made a quick game called Flippy Flop using Otter. The whole thing only took me two hours or so, and the end result ended up being a relatively clean coded game.

I decided to add the Flippy Flop source code to the Otter source repository on BitBucket in the Examples folder. So now when you grab Otter you'll also get the source for the Otter Pong Game, and the amazing Flippy Flop.

Flippy Flop makes use of the EventRouter included in Otter. The EventRouter was originally authored by some smart Phoenix locals, and is used a lot in their Unity projects. Since it was just a C# implementation I grabbed and it stuck it in Otter. The EventRouter is all about following the Observer pattern. It can be a little weird to use at first, but I'm beginning to see the appeal of it.

(Disclaimer: There may be some bugs in the source for FlippyFlop. I didn't really check it over for memory leaks, which can easily pop up when using an Event system. If you don't make sure you're unsubscribing from events when objects are removed, or clearing the event router, you might find yourself in memory leak city.)

If you have any questions about Otter, or the source code of the game, check out the Otter forums or leave a comment below.

Flippy Flop

Flippy Flop
Apparently there's a game jam going down soon about a recent mobile game sensation. I had a few hours to spare today and I wasn't being productive on my big game, so I decided to whip something up in Otter.


Download Flippy Flop 1.0 (Windows, 1.6mb)

Not really a game jam game, but more like a game doodle.

Doodle Post


Check out Threes!

Check out Threes!
My friends Asher, Greg, and Jimmy made an awesome game called Threes that's number 1 on the app store at the time of me writing this! Check out their awesome trailer:


Not only is it a pretty sweet game for iOS, but it also features my voice for one of the characters. I got to voice the number 48 in the game, and Corey voiced number 24!

Threes is a super clean, well designed game with amazing artwork and great music. It's insane how talented these dudes are and they've totally earned that number 1 spot on the app store. It's pretty cool just to be a tiny tiny part of it! Being a voice in a number 1 selling game is totally going on my resume. (I don't actually have a resume.)