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posts tagged with: podcast

Zublax Episode 7

Zublax Episode 7
I recently sat down with some Phoenix area game developer buddies for our "weekly" podcast about game design stuff. This time we talked about randomness in games and how different types of randomness can influence a game's design.

The full episode is available here!

Triforce Geek Interview

Triforce Geek Interview
Another quick post! You should check out this interview I did with Triforce Geek. It was a lot of fun, and I was also very sick during the interview but I did my best to not throw up or cough for the duration of it. We covered stuff like game jams, my experience working on Offspring Fling and Snapshot, and some other indie game dev related stuff.

They translated the whole thing into Spanish which is pretty neat. I like to imagine myself being able to speak fluent Spanish in the interview as I try to read through the translation. The audio on soundcloud is still in English though just in case you can't read Spanish.

Some Podcasts

Some Podcasts
Just a quick post to say that my housemates and I successfully recorded a new podcast last week! It's been about... 6 months since the last one, oops.

In related news, a new episode of This Week in Zublax was recorded. This Week in Zublax is a podcast featuring a bunch of Phoenix game developers talking about game design in depth, or at least that's what we try to do. It's more purely about game design and not just general indie game dev stuff.

Introducing Indie Game House!

Introducing Indie Game House!
My housemates and I just launched a brand new website! Check out Indie Game House! It's all about four game developers living together talking about games and other stuff. We don't really know where we're going to take it just yet, but for now we've posted a pilot episode of our podcast which you can find right here. It features myself, Corey Nolan, Steve Swink, and Erin Robinson.

It should also be a feed of blog posts from the four of us as well, which will hopefully prompt me to write more posts on this blog. Something I've been meaning to improve on is my own ability to just write a quick blog post and post it, but I have that thing where I write out an enormous post, and when I read it back to myself I'm suddenly filled with an incredible amount of doubt, which then makes me close the window and never look at it again. Yeah, gotta fix that.

Anyway, stay tuned to Indie Game House for some blog posts and podcasts that will probably be enjoyable. We're looking for any feedback we can get on the first episode, so if you feel so inclined then please give it a listen and drop us a comment on the post. We're listening!