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Flippy Flop

Flippy Flop
Apparently there's a game jam going down soon about a recent mobile game sensation. I had a few hours to spare today and I wasn't being productive on my big game, so I decided to whip something up in Otter.


Download Flippy Flop 1.0 (Windows, 1.6mb)

Not really a game jam game, but more like a game doodle.


Hi, Kyle. Ssory for off top. I use Flixel, but this does not matter. Recently, I try to implement tail for my character, and don't know how to do that. In your example show what I want to reach. If you could please explain how to do that.
Posted February 9th 2014 11:22 PM
In this game to create a trail I just made an object called "FlippyTrail." FlippyTrail is an entity that just has a box graphic similar to the player, and shrinks down over time. After a half of a second the trail has shrunk down to 0, so I remove it from the scene. I create a FlippyTrail on the player object once every update.
Posted February 9th 2014 11:28 PM
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