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posts tagged with: steam

Offspring Fling for Four Bucks

Offspring Fling for Four Bucks
The Steam Summer Sales are upon us again and that means you can grab Offspring Fling for just $3.99 on Steam.

Offspring Fling feels like it was made a lifetime ago. It's already been three years since it came out and I'm not entire sure where all that time went! I've been having a lot of fun working on small projects, and working on Otter but eventually I will have to buckle down and make a REAL GAME again.

Thank you to everyone who has supported my game development career! From through buying my games to just reading my blogosphere webpage. I'm able to keep going and keep making stuff and keep experimenting through your support. Thank you!

Some Steam Dev Day Thoughts

Some Steam Dev Day Thoughts
Hey! I am alive and still kicking after my adventures in Disney World. I decided to take a longer break after Disney, as I only had a couple days back home before I had to fly out to Seattle for Steam Dev Days. I figured I can jump back onto the blog post train with some thoughts about the brand new conference from the folks at Valve.

* Whoa this conference was small. I heard a rumor that it was just 1,200 people. It felt quite cozy and reminded me of the Independent Games Summit. There was more than enough space for everyone.

* The free stuff was out of this world. We got a Steam controller which is awesome, but Intel also stepped in and gave everyone a free Steam Machine. Madness!

* Actually on the topic of free stuff, we also got a winter hat (toque?) and an umbrella, which are two things I totally needed for this trip to the northwest! Plus they gave us all notebooks and pens which are also awesome things that I needed for the conference and made great use of.

* Valve blew every other conference out of the water when it comes to perks for just attending. Not only with the free bag of stuff, but also a catered breakfast and a pretty solid dinner on both nights. I don't drink, but there were open bars on both nights (I think it was both nights at least.)

* The Day 1 talks were right up my alley. A lot of perspective on development and marketing, and a lot of it coming from indie developers or developers from small studios.

* Day 2 though was a little off course for me personally. It was a lot of tech talks involving virtual reality and Linux stuff, which I would be interested in but is most likely over my head at the moment.

* Looks like Linux is the future for Valve which is a little scary for me being so bound to Windows. I do everything in Windows and have no clue about anything regarding Linux, so I hope I can figure it out for my upcoming projects. Using Mono with C# should be a great start though!

* Apparently there was some baller amazing virtual reality demo but I didn't get a chance to check it out. (Only 60ish people actually saw it during the conference.)

* I got to see a lot of developer buddies at the conference which was awesome, but I still missed a lot of people which makes me sad.

* I am really bad at meeting new people and generally don't like to socialize, and I need to fix this. I met a handful of new people which was cool, but I definitely didn't put enough effort into it. I too often fall back on clinging to people I know and people that I feel comfortable with. I get really mad at myself for being so introverted.

* There was a cool after party with some kinda live band or something but I peaced out after a few minutes because loud dark spaces are not my thing. I wish there were more things to go to that weren't loud dark spaces with drinking, or maybe I am just not social enough to understand.

* Valve wanted to put on a conference that had a lot of value because they believe that most conferences aren't worth it, and I think they succeeded. However it'll be interesting to see if there's a Dev Days next year and how many people register. I have a feeling that a lot of the conference was the way it was because of how limited the attendance was.

* Am I going to develop for the Steam Machine and SteamOS? I guess I should put some effort into it sooner than later, because it seems like it'd be a sure fire way to get good support from the Steam people, which is a big component on having a successful game on Steam.

* I'm nervous for when the time Steam is going to be totally open and the question will be not how to get your game on Steam but how to get your game on the front page (which might already be the case with Greenlight accepting so many games lately.) Successful games are featured time and time again, but getting a niche little known title to the front page is nearly impossible.

* Unfortunately Valve didn't actually give Tyler and I brand new Tesla Roadsters.

Overall I had a really great time at Dev Days, and I hope they put on another one next year! It was an awesome excuse to get out of my room and travel more and meet up with rad people that I only get to see a few times per year.

Offspring Fling Sale

Offspring Fling Sale
Just a quick post to say Offspring Fling is once again available on Steam for 50% off its normal price, and I'll just give you the heads up now that it will not be featured as a flash sale or a daily deal unfortunately. There's also a new update available on the Steam beta branch that should improve the controller support and get rid of those nasty crash bugs that a few people were encountering. The password for the beta branch is iwannatestosf.

I also just want to say thank you for all the support from everyone out there. I never expected Offspring Fling to become the game it did, and because of awesome people buying the game I can keep being an indie developer for the time being. I also deeply appreciate the super fans of Offspring Fling out there that have analyzed every last pixel of the game and really pushed it to its limits. I knew I could count on the internet to destroy my developer times!

For those Offspring Fling super fans out there, Offspring Fling Momma plushes are also available from Frank 'n Stitch. These plushes are really awesome and lovable and worth every penny. They're also very easy to throw around at things.

Offspring Fling is 50% Off

Offspring Fling is 50% Off
It's that time of the year again: Steam Summer Sales!

Check out all the madness, but first you should totally check out Offspring Fling is just $3.99! The deal lasts for the entire duration of the Steam sale, and plus Offspring Fling has Steam Trading Cards and I hear those are cool!

Unfortunately Offspring Fling probably isn't going to make it into one of the featured slots that the cool games get into, so I'm relying on a near 0 dollar budget in marketing to get the word out. If you want to share the news of this amazing sale with your pals on the internet I would really appreciate it!

With that, I am off to Las Vegas for the weekend! I'm going to be attending EVO, the crazy huge fighting game world championships. I'm heading out there with a bunch of the Arizona indie developers, and a few indies from around the continent. There may be a small dry spell of posts while I'm gone.

Offspring Fling Trading Cards!

Offspring Fling Trading Cards!
Hey whoa! The trading cards for Offspring Fling on Steam launched today! As far as I know, all you have to do is play the game for a little while and you'll randomly get some cards. Here's a preview of what you could get!




Apparently you can use cards to get like... emoticons or something, and profile pictures or something? I don't know, but I made lots of cool art for them so I hope you get them all!

Offspring Fling Steam Achievements


Just a quick post to say that the Steam version of Offspring Fling on Windows now supports achievements. I'll be adding support to the Mac version sometime down the line as well, and I'm still looking into getting the Linux version on Steam as well.

A big thanks to the folks behind FRESteamWorks! If you're an AIR developer on Steam, you definitely want to check it out.