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posts dated from: february 2016

Otter Updates!

Otter Updates!
Recently I pushed a bunch of updates to the default branch of Otter since I totally forgot to for about two months... whoops. Here's a quick recap of the changes you can find now in the default branch.

* Collider.Render() now has a color parameter that can be used to determine what color the collider will render with.

* Fixed a dumb crash in the debugger when hitting tab to autocomplete methods.

* Changed Entity.UpdatedOnce to public get.

* Window position can now be set with Game.WindowX and Game.WindowY, and added Game.CenterWindow() to center the window on the primary monitor.

* Moved Otter to the official build of SFML 2.2, and fixed some weird bugs with that.

* Removed Color.Bytes since you can use FromBytes.

* Tiles on a Tilemap can now use their own color as well as the color that is set for the entire tilemap.

* Moved Otter to .NET version 4.5 (probably going to be 4.5.2 fairly soon.)

* Added GetComponent(Type) which can be helpful for getting a component of a certain type that is unknown at compile time.

* Fruckert added diagonal rotation for tiles.

More changes are always available in the dev branch!

Doodle Post


Dev Log: Power Up Effects

Dev Log: Power Up Effects
On today's super cool dev stream I spent a few hours making this entire effect for collecting power ups for the orb during Super Sky Sisters. Check it out!


It was a pretty productive day and I think I actually sat and worked on the effect for more than three hours before I took a break, which is at least a first for the stream.

I am ... going to run out of stuff soon for Sky Sisters... and I think I will have to ... face the reality that I'm going to have to ... ship the game soon. I am feeling better about the game overall with the recent additions I've made, and I'm looking forward to having people check it out during GDC this year.

Dev Log: Upgrades!

Dev Log: Upgrades!
Been doing a lot of work on Sky Sisters again and trying to push it in the direction of making it feel like a real completely game. I've had a lot of help from twitch and adding a whole bunch of cool stuff.

As I was messing around with play testing stuff I realized that I could implement some sort of quick upgrade system as the players progress. So after a few hours I ended up with this:


Basically every couple of rounds (undecided on the number right now) the players get an opportunity to grab some sort of upgrade that lasts for the rest of the session. This is in addition to the player special attacks, and the orb power ups. Basically just trying to think of ways to make each play session a little bit more interesting, and have a different twist each time.

Some Music Scribbles

Some Music Scribbles
Been meaning to post some songs that didn't come out completely terrible in some of my music attempts over the past few weeks. Here they are!



The first one is some sort of victory song I was trying to make, and the other one came out sounding like some sort of temple or dungeon type thing. I still mostly have no idea what I'm doing, or where I'm going in regards of what music software I want to try to use. Honestly I have the least friction with FL Studio, but for now I only have the demo version and I'm not sure if I'm going to be serious enough about this to justify dropping the dough on the full program. At least for now I'm still having fun in tracking programs, but I can definitely see the potential of using a piano roll for writing melodies.

Doodle Post
