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posts dated from: april 2018

I'm Back, Kinda!

I'm Back, Kinda!

It seems that I vanished for a good while here. Sorry about that. To make a long story short, I had a bunch of stuff happen in my life that just took priority over my typical update schedule. I had to cut certain aspects of my life to give myself enough time to breathe, and my blog was one of them.

I will probably end up elaborating on a bunch of what happened, but for now just know that I’m doing fine, and things are currently pretty swell. Can’t ask for much more. I moved to Seattle not too long ago and have been settling in pretty well.

As far as work related things go I’m currently working on Super Meat Boy Forever! I think I mentioned this before, but I can’t exactly remember what I was talking about on my blog a year ago. As far as Super Sky Sisters goes, unfortunately right now I have to put that project on the back burner in order for me to fully focus on my role on Meat Boy. I was brought on to Team Meat for Level Design and some Game Design stuff, and it’s been an absolute blast so far. With working on a big project with a team though, I can’t share as much stuff as I usually do with my personal projects. Just know that the project is going really well and it’s a game that I really like to play and work on, which is always the game development dream.

Thanks to everyone that has been so supportive to me since I began my game development career, and to those that helped me even beyond that. The support of family and friends that I have is second to none and I live every day with a deep gratitude that I get to live the life that I live.

As far as future blog posts go probably don’t expect anything as rapid paced as I was posting before. I was thinking of maybe doing some sort of weekly or bi-weekly post schedule in the future with just whatever thoughts were on my mind, game development or otherwise. As far as doodle posts go I still plan on getting back into those, and those should be relatively easy to fall back into.

That’s all for now. Thanks for listening!