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posts dated from: july 2012

PAX10 and Steam Summer Sales!

PAX10 and Steam Summer Sales!
Hey! I really should be writing on my site more often than I am, but that's another topic to tackle all together. For now, I am happy to announce that Offspring Fling has been selected for the PAX10 Showcase!


The game will be on display during PAX Prime along with 9 other super awesome games, and I'll be there showing it off to the world. If I can just brag some more for the moment, I'd also like to note that this is the second time in a row that I've been a part of the PAX10. Last year Snapshot was selected for the showcase!

In other Offspring Fling news, the Steam Summer Sales have officially begun starting yesterday, and that means Offspring Fling is available for an amazingly low price! How low?! Well you'll have to find out for yourself!

It's been exciting times for Offspring Fling all around. Just last week, Offspring Fling was featured as the Daily Deal on Steam, and it was quite the wild ride. I was actually attending EVO during the time that the sale was going on, so it made things especially crazy.

I'm so incredibly happy with how Offspring Fling turned out in the end. It was a project where everything just felt right when I was making it, which doesn't really happen too often when making a game (at least for me.) I'm still aiming to write a little bit more about my thoughts and some of my process about making Offspring Fling, but strangely enough I have a pretty hard time with putting my thoughts about game making into words.

Anyway, Offspring Fling is in the PAX10, and totally on sale on Steam right now so you should totally check it out if you haven't yet. Later!