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posts dated from: july 2015

Otter Example: Player Sessions

Otter Example: Player Sessions
Things have been pretty hectic for me for the past week so unfortunately all I've really had time to do is more Otter examples.


A Session in Otter is a cool way to keep track of a player playing your game. You can set the controls in a session, and also keep track of other data such as high scores, levels unlocked, whatever else. Sessions also have an easy way to export data in a semi-encrypted format to prevent most players from tampering with it.

The full example is just a click away and you should totally check it out!

Otter Example: Basic Collision

Otter Example: Basic Collision
Fresh out of the oven is another example for Otter, the 2d game making framework based on SFML.net. The new example covers basic collision detection and response.


On the examples page I've listed out all of the examples I want to cover in the next few weeks. I'm going to try to keep working on posting an example every few days or so, but I have some upcoming travel that might make that difficult. We'll see!

Oh and so many people are sending me this image so I might as well post it here:


Doodle Post


Otter Example: Spritemap Animations

Otter Example: Spritemap Animations
I want to keep the Otter example train rolling until I manage to flesh out enough examples to cover all the basics of making a game. The newest example covers animating sprites using a quick example sprite sheet from the Spriter's Resource.

The example with all of the code and required image is available right here.


Also a reminder: if you're using Otter actively make sure to stop by the forums, or sign up for the relatively new Otter Slack Team. There's actually quite a bit of activity happening in the Slack, and recently one of the Otter community members posted a new GUI suite of components to use in your Otter made games!

Doodle Post


Doodle Post
