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posts dated from: april 2011

Space Sushi Ties for 10th

Space Sushi Ties for 10th
The voting for the TIGSource Versus Competition has officially concluded (Well, it actually concluded a week ago or so but I've been too distracted to post about it) and Space Sushi tied with X-Bones, and Tetris Fight Club for 10th place with a whopping 6 votes. There were 80-something entries for this competition, so barely scraping into the top 10 is pretty decent!

The big winner from the competition is 0Space by none other than Teknopants. I know that local multiplayer is very rare, but if you ever get the chance to go head to head with someone on the same keyboard then definitely give 0Space a whirl, and while you're at it you can also give the other 80 or so games a chance too. (If you have an entire day to kill, I guess.)

The idea of versus was a great competition theme, but it kinda falls short because not a lot of players have the opportunity to play local multiplayer on their computers. The time frame of a TIGSource competition doesn't really allow for a robust online multiplayer system for these games, so I feel like not a lot of people really got a chance to play the games this time. Also each voter only had 3 votes for 80 entries, so there wasn't a good distribution of ranks among the results (A majority of the games tied for 58th place with 0 votes.) It's definitely a lot of fun to make a 2 player game, but the severe audience reduction is definitely noticeable, so whenever I make Space Sushi Deluxe, I'll be sure to include a single player campaign. ;D

PAX East: Day 3

PAX East: Day 3
And now for the final installment of the PAX East experience. It seems that I have completely exhausted my supply of shitty cell phone photos of the event, so this post will have significantly less photos.

We got back to our place of sleeping at about 11pm or so, so things were looking up this time as far as raw amount of sleep, but there was one problem: Daylight Savings Time. Yes, that's right, at exactly 2am time itself would bend around the will of man and advance by one hour in the blink of an eye. One less hour of sleep for the final day. It seems it was our destiny to only get 4 or 5 hours of sleep a night.

I think this time we actually slept in until maybe 8am instead of 6:30am. The demo was set to go for the day and we didn't have any bug fixes to get through before the doors opened to the public at 10am. Even though we had been lacking sleep for the past couple days, I didn't really feel that tired on the final day. The adrenaline of being so close to the end must've been keeping me awake.