Dev Log: Board Game Stuff
Work continues a little bit on a board game prototype with some local Phoenix developer friends. Dave ended up making some amazing tokens for us to prototype with which makes the game feel a billion times more fun. Every week we have a play test and it seems like we're narrowing in on something that's actually a playable game.

We've been using Google Sheets and nanDECK to prototype and print out our cards, and then sticking them into sleeves along with Magic cards to play with. I think having a total break from making games with code and complex art assets has been pretty fun -- it's a totally different experience than making a video game, and getting better at board/tabletop game design is something I really want to work towards.

I'll get back to my main project soon I promise! (but now holiday travel season is upon us and that puts a giant wrench in everything too.)

We've been using Google Sheets and nanDECK to prototype and print out our cards, and then sticking them into sleeves along with Magic cards to play with. I think having a total break from making games with code and complex art assets has been pretty fun -- it's a totally different experience than making a video game, and getting better at board/tabletop game design is something I really want to work towards.

I'll get back to my main project soon I promise! (but now holiday travel season is upon us and that puts a giant wrench in everything too.)
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