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posts dated from: july 2015

Otter Example: Loading Images

Otter Example: Loading Images
A new example for Otter is now available! The new example covers loading images into a game. This example assumes that you have a decent understanding of C# already as it uses some stuff like local variables and extending classes and all that cool stuff.

The example also covers using Visual Studio to manage external resources. The most simple way of using a small amount of resources is to have Visual Studio copy the files into the bin directory. So check out the example for all those details!

Otter Example: Input

Otter Example: Input
I just posted one more quick example for using Otter!

The Input and Basic Interaction example deals with using the Input class to check for keyboard keys being pressed and held down, and responding to that by moving an Entity around the screen. This is the first example to really get into potential video game looking code.

Also as a side note I started an Otter slack team that is open invite to anyone that wants to chat in real time with other Otter developers. Hopefully we can get a solid crew of folks in there to push the framework foward.

Otter Examples

Otter Examples
Making use of Couch CMS I've finally gotten around to making an example page for Otter!

The first three examples are a very basic introduction to setting up Otter and using it to start putting stuff on the screen. I plan on adding examples every so often since the videos I made a long time ago are now sort of outdated. Otter continues to grow and evolve over time so it's tough to keep a solid set of examples to go with it. For example the controller class has gone through some changes over the past year which makes a lot of the tutorials written for it outdated. Hopefully I can keep examples up to date though using Couch.

Just a little bit about CouchCMS too: this is one of the coolest things I've used in my web dev days. I really wish I had tried it earlier because I think it's going to forever replace my need to write my own CMS every time I make a new site for myself. It really seems to cover everything and it feels way easier to customize than something like Wordpress or Tumblr. Sure it might not be as powerful as those right off the bat, but I think Couch really fits my style more. It also comes with an awesome file uploader and browser which makes image and file uploading a breeze. It makes everything a breeze! You should definitely check it out if you do web work of any kind.

Doodle Post


Otter Updates

Otter Updates
Some quick Otter updates!

* OnAdded() timing has been changed for Entities. When an Entity is added to a Scene the OnAdded() method is now called after the Entity has updated its component lists. This is so that a component can register with the Entity's OnAdd method before the Entity is added to the Scene.

* Added GetTopEntity() and GetBottomEntity(). These methods allow you to pass in a bunch of Entities and find the top most and bottom most entity in the rendering.

* Added GetComponent() shortcut methods to Component.

* Added CollideEntities<T> method that will return a list of a specific type of Entity.

* Possible graphics changes. I want to explore the possibility of reworking the rendering system to allow for multiple transformations to be applied to graphics. This would possibly allow easier parent to child relationship transformations and more. Mostly because I noticed when working on games that I want to have multiple scales, rotations, and translations applied to graphics at times, and it would be nice if Otter had built in support for it.

That's all for now!


Doodle Post


