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posts dated from: january 2016

More Music Practice

More Music Practice
For whatever reason I'm having a lot of fun with my midi keyboard so here's a couple of more songs that I tried to write. Song6 is sounding more intentional and I'm actually kinda happy with how it turned out which is pretty rare for any music I write! Check it out!



I'm still just using OpenMPT to write these. I'm checking out the demo version of Renoise but I often run into the same issue every time with it: I have no instruments for it and I have no idea where to find instruments. I've found a handful on the forums but it's not really anything that feels useful to me. I'm actually just looking for a decent drum kit to use for chiptune sounding stuff and I can't seem to find anything! I don't know if I'm just not looking in the right spot though...

Doodle Post



Doodle Post


Dev Log: Arranging Pixels

Dev Log: Arranging Pixels
I've been taking kind of a longer break from coding than I would like, but I suppose while I'm able to I can just roll with the punches and do whatever my weird brain wants to do. I've tried to refocus on my dice RPG like game by trying to figure out some art stuff for it.


I've been drawing from some Zelda games as inspiration for this top downish kind of view. My idea is that there will be an overworld area and when you encounter an enemy it goes into the dice battle. The overworld will also have other neat interactions with the dice that I haven't totally figured out yet, but I have some rough ideas.


One thing I'm stuggling with is just the overall screen size of the game and trying to do pixel art. I need a high-ish resolution for the dice, I feel, because I want them to have large icons and be very readable, and I also need room for a lot of UI stuff... but this big screen resolution means the overworld can look pretty zoomed out. Right now each movement tile size is 32 pixels, while each art tile is 16 pixels.

I'm trying to put the overworld "game" into a smaller portion on the screen of 640 x 480 because I actually like 4 x 3 way better for 2d games, and I'm trying to compensate for the "zoomed out" feeling. I could try increasing the tilesize, but 64 pixels is too large, and 48 pixels feels weird (it's not a power of 2, blasphemy!)

I think I'll roll with this idea for now, and put a bunch of hud and menu stuff over on the left. I kinda think back on how Desktop Dungeons did it with a square game view and the side of the screen being all HUD, and I think that works out nicely.

The size of your screen and how many "tiles" fit across horizontally and vertically can very heavily inform the feeling of your game! Limiting how "far" the player can see is a very important thing to consider, as it will then inform all of your level design and art choices. That's... probably a rant for another time though.

Doodle Post


Musical Doodles

Musical Doodles
So my ability to program is still pretty crappy, but for whatever reason right now I'm enjoying spending some time in openMPT trying to figure out how music works again. Every so often I get into a mood where I want to try to write music and this lasts roughly until I realize how insanely difficult it is to comprehend music.

Anyway, here are some music doodles. One of them is a little test to see if I could decipher a melody from a song I like.

* Song 0

* Song 1

* Song 2

* Song 3

* Song 4

Each one of these is between a half hour and an hour of placing notes and wondering what mysteries this universe still holds.