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Space Sushi 1.0.0

Space Sushi 1.0.0
I like to make up version numbers pretty randomly but I'm calling this version 1.0 because I'm calling it FINISHED for the sake of the TIGSource competition.


- Upped bullet velocity
- Changed controls
- Added highlights to dead fish
- Dead fish flash before they disappear
- Changed win conditions: player with most money always wins
- Causing an extinction costs a player $100 per kill
- Extinction detection: player who most recently killed the extinct species gets the penalty
- Money hidden until the end of the round
- Stunned text when players are stunned
- Smoother end transition back to title
- Modified hud to hide extra info
- Modified ending stats screen
- Dead fish now attract to a near by player
- Fish now trickle in at the start instead of being dumped in all at once


Download the new version right here. There is a Windows executable and a Mac OSX .app in the zip file.

Tell me what you think!

I'm looking for any feedback on the game, and it's really tough since not a lot of people can play local 2 player games... so if you have any thoughts or comments either use the comments to get back to me, or use the form on the bottom of my site to contact me.


Luis Miguel Delgado
Luis Miguel Delgado
Hey dude, awesome game wish I had a 2nd player to enjoy it properly, maybe you should add a single player mode XD I was wondering what engine/programming language did you use to make it? Your visual style is awesome btw
Posted February 23rd 2011 11:58 PM
Hey there! This game was programmed in Flash Develop using the Flashpunk games framework. (http://flashpunk.net) I exported the swf to an exe, but I'll probably be posting a web browser version soon.

If I ever expand on the Space Sushi universe, then I'll probably make a flash game with a single player campaign or something like that.

Thanks ;D
Posted February 24th 2011 12:49 AM
Great little game. You should definitely look at getting this as multilayer and up on a portal site. I'll be sure to check out the Winnitron at GDC, hopefully I'll be able to play with someone else then.
Posted February 24th 2011 2:02 AM
Thanks for playing! I'm not sure I understand completely though when you say "look at getting this as multilayer and up on a portal site." I mean, I figure local multiplayer games aren't very popular on portals.
Posted February 24th 2011 4:08 AM
Played this on the Winnitron. Very nice.
Posted November 13th 2011 9:37 PM
Played this with my husband! Cute idea; it's a little hard to not get stunned. Does the person who gets the last fish before extinction get a huge $$ bonus? That's what it seemed like :-).
Posted March 30th 2012 8:21 PM
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