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GDC2011: Check out the Winnitron!

GDC2011: Check out the Winnitron!
The Winnitron is being packed up and transported to GDC this year, and will be playable at the expo hall. There's gonna be a lot of kick ass awesome games to play on it which you can check out in this mega sweet video trailer for it.

Included in this fine line up of games are two of my games! Verge and Space Sushi are both playable on the machine, and on top of that I'll be stopping by the booth on Wednesday, March 2nd, at 1:30pm to talk about my games and other cool stuff. Joining me for that time slot is none other than game developer sweet heart Chevy Ray of Flashpunk fame! It's gonna be a good time for kids of all ages.

If you happen to find yourself at GDC this year then stop on by the expo hall and play some rad games on the Winnitron. SEE YOU THERE!


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Posted May 25th 2011 7:22 PM
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I was at GDC!!! simply amazing, super experience
Posted November 7th 2011 1:08 PM
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