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posts tagged with: promotion

Offspring Fling Plushies

Offspring Fling Plushies
You can now own your very own Momma from Offspring Fling thanks to Frank'N'Stitch! They're available right here on Etsy, along with an awesome Offspring Fling scarf. 100% home made!

I've had a lot of requests for plushies over the past year but couldn't really find a good way to make it happen until now. These plushies are also approved for flinging around a puzzle platforming level.

Arizona Indie Showcase

Arizona Indie Showcase
This past weekend the Phoenix Art Museum hosted the Arizona Indie Game Showcase along side the Art of Video Games exhibit. Offspring Fling was one of the games in the showcase, along with some other local indie games like Scale, Gravity Ghost, Aztez, and Growing. Offspring Fling is getting up there in age now for a video game, so it's not the most exciting game to demo, but I still had a lot of fun with it. There were a lot of super young kids playing the game which is a pretty unique experience!




Special thanks to Game CoLab for the photos!

A surprising number of kids were able to make it through a lot of the demo levels, with only some of the harder execution based challenges stopping them. It's always fun to show the game to new people, but it's especially fun and terrifying to show to kids since they're never afraid to just tell you how they feel about your game.

I also had an NES controller hooked up to the game, so it was pretty funny to hand it off to a lot of kids who didn't even know what an NES was. I talked to some high schoolers about game development during the show as well, and one of them said they wanted to make games ever since they got their first console... an Xbox.

Triforce Geek Interview

Triforce Geek Interview
Another quick post! You should check out this interview I did with Triforce Geek. It was a lot of fun, and I was also very sick during the interview but I did my best to not throw up or cough for the duration of it. We covered stuff like game jams, my experience working on Offspring Fling and Snapshot, and some other indie game dev related stuff.

They translated the whole thing into Spanish which is pretty neat. I like to imagine myself being able to speak fluent Spanish in the interview as I try to read through the translation. The audio on soundcloud is still in English though just in case you can't read Spanish.

Indiana Stone: The Brave and the Boulder


Right before GDC my friend Tim Winsky released his first iOS game into the market, Indiana Stone: The Brave and the Boulder. He needed a quick and simple promotional site for the game, so I stepped up to the job.

The game itself is pretty rad too, and you should totally check it out, and then buy it and then tell all your friends to buy it. Viral marketing.