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Humble Weekly Sale!

Humble Weekly Sale!
Just a quick heads up, Offspring Fling is currently in the Humble Weekly Sale along with seven other amazing games.

This particular bundle is in support of the software and tools that we use to create our games, including FlashDevelop which was used for Offspring Fling.

It works the same way as a regular bundle, and you get more amazing games if you pay enough moneys. You also get Steam activations for all of the games.


Given the bundle supported projects, has Offspring Fling been recompiled with OpenFL or Haxe?

On Linux, due to an old, unmaintained, Flash plugin, there's an audio delay and frame-rate drops. Flash games only work fine in Google Chrome, which comes bundled with an up-to-date Flash plugin. Would be nice to not have to use it :)
Posted March 27th 2014 2:02 PM
Offspring Fling Linux is still as it was in the Humble Bundle, which is the browser wrapped swf version. FlashDevelop is in the bundle as well, so Offspring Fling hasn't been ported to OpenFL or Haxe. I haven't been able to get the Adobe AIR linux version working, nor have any of the swf wrappers worked so far :(
Posted March 27th 2014 6:22 PM
Thanks for the info :)
BTW, AIR on Linux suffers from the same slowdowns.
Posted March 28th 2014 1:00 AM
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