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Dev Log: Otter Spine Animations

Dev Log: Otter Spine Animations
Today is a very awesome day, for I finally got Spine animations running in Otter! I only have the super basic stuff right now, but I'm hoping to expand the support as I tinker around with Otter and my next game.


This is a quick test of the test animation that comes with Spine. Right now a skeleton can be loaded up, and play its animations in the most simple way. The next steps will be getting all of the cool spine functionality in and running, like being able to manipulate bones and mix animations and all that kinda stuff.

This hasn't been pushed to Otter yet, and probably won't be for at least a few more days as I test it out and hopefully work out any show stopping bugs that might appear.

While making the Otter implementation of Spine I made great use of the Spine csharp runtime which I just dragged and dropped into Otter, and I also referenced the XNA runtime, along with C#Punk's implementation of a SpineAnimation graphic type.


Sweet! Is the console new, too?

Can't wait to finish my FlashPunk game, so I can move on to C#/Otter. Is it weird that I use another language as motivation?
Posted February 18th 2014 9:51 PM
The console/debugger has been in there for awhile, you can give it debug commands to execute from typing them in. It can be accessed through Debugger.Instance, or through some functions in Util.
Posted February 18th 2014 11:14 PM
Jacob Albano
Jacob Albano
Posted February 19th 2014 8:07 AM
Marcius Oliveira
Marcius Oliveira
Very cool man! Simple and util!
Posted February 20th 2014 8:24 AM
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