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Dev Log: Debuggin Stuff

Dev Log: Debuggin Stuff
I'm trying to now take care of the last couple of things on my checklist before a public beta/release of my framework! This includes the elusive debugging and command console.


This is the quick first pass of the debug console running in my Offspring Fling mock up using my framework. Right now all I can do is just type into this box, but eventually what I want to do is have commands being run from this console, as well as debug output being sent to it.

I'm also toying around with shaders as well and I think I'm starting to get a grasp on it, or at least fragment shaders, but I still have a lot to learn. Exciting!


Hey I'm editing this blog post to show the progress! Here's the console as it looks after working on it for the whole day:


Still no fancy reflection, but for now it has cool enough stuff to debug a game, I think!


Nice console, simple and pretty.
May i ask you how did you get stroked font?
Posted October 5th 2013 10:29 PM
To get an outline on the text I'm rendering the text a total of 9 times. The first 8 times I change the color to black and render it in 8 directions around the center, then I change the color to white or yellow and render it in the center. The result is an outline on the text :)
Posted October 5th 2013 11:30 PM
Oh. Should have guessed that.
Thank you.

Excellent blog, btw. Lots of clever and interesting things.
Posted October 7th 2013 1:30 AM
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