Dev Log: Snakes and Skeletons
The struggle of building creatures out of skeletons and bones continues this week as I try to finish up a Snake class for Otter! One of my other goals with enemies is to be able to construct enemies out of "snakes" of entities. Basically have a series of pieces all following the next piece like a slithering snake.

I already had the ground work for this laid out last week, but today I dug into it some more so that I could actually have each piece of the snake be an entity with a skeleton. Now I can build crazy enemies and objects out of snakes composed of skeletons all animating! The next step is going to be going back to the game project itself and plugging some of this stuff in, as well as cleaning up the code as much as I can in order to have it be useful for people other than me.

I already had the ground work for this laid out last week, but today I dug into it some more so that I could actually have each piece of the snake be an entity with a skeleton. Now I can build crazy enemies and objects out of snakes composed of skeletons all animating! The next step is going to be going back to the game project itself and plugging some of this stuff in, as well as cleaning up the code as much as I can in order to have it be useful for people other than me.
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