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posts tagged with: namiko

Namiko Now Available

Namiko Now Available
Hot off the heels of just releasing Super Ninja Slash, I'm releasing another game into the public's hands. Originally available as a bonus game for the Indie Royale bundle back in December, Namiko is a relatively simple wave defense type game that can be played on OSX or Windows. (You can find the downloads on this page.)


When it was originally created, Namiko scored me 1st place at a local game jam held here in Phoenix at the University of Advancing Technology. The goal of the game is to defend your palace against hordes of attacking humanoid enemies that have three different powers. As the protagonist Namiko, you can scan these enemies and absorb their powers to make them your own. The game is about figuring out each enemy's weakness, and maximizing your chances of successfully defending by choosing the right weapon at the right time. I think the theme of the game jam was "adaptation."

Since the jam version I put a few more days work into it and just tried to generally polish up the experience. On a side note, releasing this game into the public officially makes this my 5th release between GDC 2012 and GDC 2013! I'll post more about that later though.

Have fun!

Holiday Bundles and Deals!

Holiday Bundles and Deals!
Just a quick heads up! I've been posting about this like mad on Twitter but then I realized that my Twitter widget on my site is still broken...

Offspring Fling is currently available on Indie Royale with a bunch of other cool games. It's a pay what you want bundle but there is a minimum on how much you pay. The minimum increases when someone purchases the bundle at the minimum, and it decreases when the bundle is purchased for more than the minimum. Getting the Indie Royale bundle also grabs you a copy of Namiko, which is a game jam game I made just over a year ago now. I polished up the game quite a bit and now it's a fully playable deal! It's only available through the current Indie Royale bundle, so get movin' if you want it!

At the time of me writing this there is only ONE DAY LEFT! to get the bundle. Sorry for the late notice! But if you want Offspring Fling and a bunch of other cool games for a low low price then you have to act now!

In other news, Snapshot is now available from the Humble Indie Bundle! There is some time left in this bundle to get Snapshot, Closure, Shank 2, and a bunch of other rad games.

Last but not least, Offspring Fling is just $3.99 right now on Steam.

I think that's about everything... have a good holiday season!

Namiko Quick Preview

Namiko Quick Preview
Yo! I went to a game jam last weekend at the University of Advancing Technology, and I made a game! (Again!) I'm still trying to figure out what to do with it, but for now here are some screenshots.



