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posts dated from: march 2016

Indie Olympics TowerFall

Indie Olympics TowerFall
Last week during Game Developers Conference I had the chance to defend my crown as TowerFall World Champion. The folks at Showdown, as well as the San Francisco area TowerFall community put together the Indie Olympics which featured a whole bunch of games, but TowerFall was center stage.

The tournament was probably the most legit TowerFall tournament I've ever attended. It was pool play with two players advancing out of each pool, and then top 16 all the way down to one. It was also double elimination which was super cool. The whole event was incredible, and you can watch it all right here, but for now here are my streamed matches:

Good games!

GDC Aftermath

GDC Aftermath
Another Game Developers Conference has come and gone. I guess this was my 9th GDC I've attended, so I guess next year will be kind of a big deal... I should do a quick recap of the week while it's still fresh in my mind. I'll spare you the big details and just try to do a broad sweep over the week, and maybe if there's anything specific I want to unravel I can do that in another blog post.

Also all the pictures in this post are from Matthew Wegner and the GDC Photo Stream!

Things started off a little crappy because of the weather. Saturday and Sunday were pretty rainy and cloudy days respectively. Walking through San Francisco during a giant mess of a St. Patricks day parade while it's raining is not super fun, and it's even worse when you're carrying all your stuff trying to find where you're staying.

The weekend was spent hanging out with all sorts of cool people from around the world. Sunday night we busted out some Magic booster packs and did a quick draft tournament. My Red White Allies deck managed to scrape out two victories in my pod which was pretty neat. We also ate a lot of sushi right off the bat which is one of the main reasons I go to GDC I think.

Dev Log: More Animations!

Dev Log: More Animations!
It looks like both of the players in Super Sky Sisters now have animations! I never thought the day would come but I think from the power of streaming I finally pulled it off. It was exactly as draining and soul crushing as I thought it would be, but I think I got some animations that aren't terrible.

So here's the player two angel from Sky Sisters in her fully animated glory:


With GDC around the corner I don't think I'm going to get any more updates in before then. I'm starting to feel the itch to return to my RPG idea as well, so we'll see how I'm feeling after GDC is all said and done. I still kinda don't have any idea of what to do with Super Sky Sisters aside from trying to maybe sell it on itch or humble and probably sell like 10 copies, but who knows!

Doodle Post


Dev Log: It's Happening!

Dev Log: It's Happening!
Today I finally started on a task on Sky Sisters that has been on my to do list since the very beginning: player animations!


I got all the sprites for player one done today on my stream. It started out pretty rough, but I think I have something I'm actually happy with. There's some minor adjustments to be made, like the line thicknesses of some of the frames, but that should be easy enough to fix up.

Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to finish the frames of player two, and maybe even implement all the animations in the game. After that if I can clean up the lines and other small issues, then the animations will be done and it will be one step closer to being a complete game that I'm happy enough with to release.

But with Game Developers Conference coming up, I probably wont have anything done before then. Also, uh, at some point I need to figure out what the music is going to be in this game...