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posts dated from: september 2013

Dev Log: Squishy Platforming

Dev Log: Squishy Platforming
I've been at Indie House Vancouver for a couple days now and my main focus is working on my C# framework with SFML. I'm working on a little example game that will hopefully show people enough stuff on how to get started with the framework and use it. When the example game is totally done I'm going to release it along with the framework all 100% open source.


Right now I have some neat little platforming going on involving running, jumping, wall sliding, wall jumps, and a special skid jump technique sort of like Mario 64 but in 2d. Also to make the game more fun with rectangles I added a lot of squashing and stretching to the player rectangle with tweens. I am planning to do a full set of graphics for this game, but right now I'm focused on getting the whole thing playable before I tackle any art.

Today a whole crapload of people are coming to Indie House so hopefully I can make some more progress before the entire gathering turns into a TowerFall tournament.

PAX and Stuff

PAX and Stuff
PAX has come and gone like a cool breeze on a mid-summer's day (not an Arizona mid-summer day, though.) It was as crazy as I expected it to be and a little bit more. Everyone was prepared for the madness to last four days this time, so every Indie Megabooth member had ample supplies of hand sanitizer, vitamin c powder, and various types of medicine in stock.

I was just at PAX floating around which was pretty fun. I filled in at the Aztez booth from time to time, and also helped out a little bit at TowerFall in the PAX10. My awesome laptop was used to demo Scale, but beyond that I had no real responsibilities, yay!

I stopped in for the Spelunky Video Armageddon challenge which turned out to be pretty awesome. Colin Northway destroyed all his competitors with a complete Hell run of Spelunky that actually went quite late since the Video Armageddon lived up to its name and started late after 30 minutes of struggling with laptop video out.