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Lyle in Cube Sector Any% Speedrun

Lyle in Cube Sector Any% Speedrun
Now for something completely different!

Sometime over the past month I was inspired to do a speed run of a game but I couldn't figure out exactly what game I wanted to do. After some soul searching I landed on Lyle in Cube Sector. Lyle is a game released in 2006 and was one of the first "indie" games to really blow my mind. It was a complete metroidvania, and it was made in Multimedia Fusion which I didn't think was possible. Lyle would later go on to inspire me enough to actually finish my next game, which turned out to be Bonesaw: The Game.

If you've never played Lyle you should totally check it out. The game is a bit brutal at first. Everything hurts you, enemies are complete dicks, and you don't have a lot of health to play around with, but it's definitely worth sticking through all that and getting to the end.

Now I'll get back to work!
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