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Jottobots Now Available!

Jottobots Now Available!
YEAH! After three years hiding from the public, Jottobots is now available! The game only costs a single US dollar to enjoy for an eternity, DRM free.

Jottobots is a miniature exploration platformer, or a mini-metroidvania if you prefer. You start with five minutes on the clock to rack up as many points as you can through blowing up enemies, finding power ups, and stumbling across secret passage ways. Most of the art was done by J. Otto Seibold, and I did the programming, and some additional artwork as well. On the audio side, Josh Whelchel handled the music and Power Up Audio helped out with some sound mixing and a few sound effects.

I've now officially released three games in 2012! Offspring Fling!, Snapshot, and Jottobots... but I'm not finished! I made a promise to myself that before GDC 2012 I would release 5 games, so I have to figure out which two are next.

Oh and Snapshot is currently 50% off on Steam for just $4.99! Madness. Check it out!
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