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Dev Log: Sky Sisters Webzone

Dev Log: Sky Sisters Webzone
With PAX coming up I finally got around to throwing together a quick website for Sky Sisters. It is nothing close to anything fancy, but it will have to do for now!


Along with the website you can see that I've finally made some sort of logo for the game. I tried a bunch of different designs with halos and wings and the angels themselves but after all of those attempts I settled on just having a simple text logo with a bubbly cloud looking style. Also I think the font I used for "Super" is the only font in the universe that can be used for writing "Super."

Okay now for real I am finishing getting ready for PAX...


Hey, I tried your game at PAX earlier today (may have even played it with you?) and wanted to tell you it was really fun! I'm super looking forward to trying it out more, as well as looking forward to trying some of your previous games once I get home.
Posted September 4th 2016 1:19 PM
Oh cool!! Thanks for stopping by (both at my game and my website!) :)
Posted September 13th 2016 8:53 AM
Stil waiting a detailed report from PAX. For those who can't be there.
Posted September 15th 2016 11:37 AM
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