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Dev Log: Star Pads

Dev Log: Star Pads
One of the issues I'm trying to solve in Super Sky Sisters right now is keeping both players engaged. After some playtesting and feedback some players end up in scenarios where one player becomes the "dominant" player and the other just follows that player's lead. This can be somewhat effective for playing the game, but the non-dominant player ends up just kinda tailing along and isn't really having that great of a time.

One of the things I'm playing around with is the idea of having these "star pad" type things that appear on the map every 30 seconds. When one angel is in the star pad, the other angel will get a big boost of power. This has two effects that I'm hoping will shine through.


The first one is that in the situation where one player can't get a good shot on an enemy or a boss, that player can now try to position themselves on a star pad to give the other player a big boost in weapon power. I'm hoping this will give the non-shooting player an option to not feel like they're doing nothing.

The second is that it gives the players another reason to move and to end up in positions they wouldn't otherwise approach. I believe the game plays really well when the players are actually going for points, but a lot of players wont do that their first few times playing. Most players are just interested in survival for the first few times they play.

Probably more thoughts and changes regarding this soon!
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