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Otter Documentation

Otter Documentation
Just a quick update about Otter! If you don't know already, Otter is a 2d game making framework that I'm making using DotNet/C# and SFML 2.

I just pushed a first pass at some documentation. This should be enough to at least help some people out with basic questions, but I'm sure it all has a long way to go. It's being generated from the source using Doxygen.

I'm going to be attempting to use Otter for a game jam coming up next weekend, and I can't wait to see either what I can make with it, or what horrible bugs will reveal themselves! I've been tinkering away on two different projects in Otter and so far so good, but you never know until your deep in the trenches of a game jam...


Hi Kyle. Ssory for off-topic. Can you share your helper class using for FlashPunk?
Posted November 2nd 2013 4:49 AM
Is there something specific for Flashpunk that you're looking for?
Posted November 2nd 2013 4:13 PM
Hey Kyle,

Just wondering if you could let us all know if someone manages to get Otter working on a Mac (or Linux) for development? I've got the project set up but mapping the references to the csfml dll files to mac dylib files is a bit beyond me (seems to be very poorly documented).

Posted November 3rd 2013 12:11 AM
Someone got it working in Mac! Check out the details here: http://otter2d.com/forum/discussion/3/mac-and-linux-support
Posted November 3rd 2013 1:53 AM
@Kyle: Yes. I'm looking for implementation jump input buffering and platforming ledge forgiveness. I read your previous post, but don't fully understand how to do that.
Posted November 3rd 2013 7:16 AM
Patrick Hyatt
Patrick Hyatt
Hey Kyle, just wanted to give you some proper dues. Awesome framework from what I've setup with it & Ogmo. Documentation is pretty killer also, will have to check that tool out.
Posted November 3rd 2013 4:43 PM
Awesome! Glad it's working out :D

helio: I don't have any implementation for that on hand in AS3, but you can look in the source of Otter at the PlatformingMovement.cs file to see how I do it there.
Posted November 4th 2013 11:11 AM
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