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Indie Custom Magic Cube

Indie Custom Magic Cube
Last year before GDC I had a small part in creating a completely custom set for Magic: The Gathering based on the indie game development scene. The full set ended up being 360 cards total, and I'm responsible for about 45 of those cards! I even made it into a couple of cards myself, with Kyle Pulver, Game Jammer, and Rapid Prototyping. My cards were the ones about Source Control, Multimedia Fusion, Lyle in Cube Sector, and a couple of references to Bonesaw, Snapshot, and Offspring Fling.

Update: The indie cube has been taken down. I suggest reading this to find out more.

Here's just a small sample of some of my favorite cards, you can check out the full visual spoiler to see the rest.




And now a card that I hate with all of my being because Edmund used it on me every game and kept stealing my best creatures from my hand:


Blue is so annoying.
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