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posts tagged with: art

Dev Log: Imp Anims

Dev Log: Imp Anims
The animation train has kept rolling on somehow with some animations for the Imp enemy. Although I'm not totally satisfied with this, it is better than the static image version for now. I don't know how much I'm going to be motivated to keep going over animations until they're perfect.


For now that just leaves the player animations left. Then when those are done I'll really have to figure out what I'm going to do with this game...

Dev Log: Bloat Animations

Dev Log: Bloat Animations
Managed to get another animation done! (Until I decide that it's crap and I redo it again.) This time for the bloat monster that spawns mini versions of itself.


This one came out a little better than I expected it to! My workflow for animations in Photoshop is at least improving, I think.

Dev Log: Better Animation

Dev Log: Better Animation
I put that animation of the purple squid enemy into the game and realized it looks really bad, yahoo! This is why I hate animation... so I redid the animation to try to tone down the movement a bit.


It looks pretty good now, and I think this guy is just going to have one animation like this, so onto the next stuff!

Dev Log: Animations

Dev Log: Animations
Whoa what is this! I opened up Photoshop and I'm actually working on an animation for Super Sky Sisters!


Just a simple little animation for the squid guy enemy:



Quick Explosion Stuff

Quick Explosion Stuff
Last night I had the opportunity to talk about explosions in front of a group of game developers. I ended up doing a live demo of making an explosion effect from scratch. Here's what I ended up with after about 45 minutes:


Not my best work but not bad for having to come up with something on the fly in front of a bunch of people. I ended up using Photoshop for animations, ShoeBox to spit out sprite sheets, and Otter to implement the effects.


One of the fun things of the presentation was adding suggestions from the audience which included spawning more explosions from the first explosion. This is why the whole screen briefly fills up with explosions and then calms down again. It uses a quick recursion to make the explosions chill out after a couple of booms.


I had a lot of fun doing this and I want to turn it into some kind of screen cast or stream. I didn't end up recording it since I didn't want to really complicate the set up at the last minute. Running a live demo is already scary enough.

The full source code is available here. The assets needed are uploaded here. If I do a more full version of this talk I'll be sure to post it here!

Dev Log: Options Menu

Dev Log: Options Menu
As I totally procrastinate on the final art tasks for Super Sky Sisters I went over the options menu again really quick to add some cool polish. In the options menu the player can configure the sound and music volumes, the quality of the graphics, the hud style, and even reassign all of their keyboard controls.


I swear this game is almost done!