One of the main reasons I need to finish Sky Sisters is so I can get started on this dang game.
The full version is on my twitter. This is the main reason I'm still looking for an editor that easily supports tiles with bleed over on the edges. If this mock up were using strict tiles I would end up with a billion different tiles and a billion tile layers to make it all work.
Anyway just dreaming of what I want to do next. Probably with FNA!
Over the past two weeks I built a web based Pathfinder character sheet manager. It's all the way up to version 0.9.something which means that it's totally usable but may have a couple of new features added before it's called 1.0. Actually thinking about it now I have a really bad habit of calling things version 0.9.something forever instead of ever calling it version 1.0.
The entire source, readme, and license can be found on Github.
And now here are some cool screenshots.
I should be getting back to game dev soon! I hope?
Back to chomping away at small tasks in Sky Sisters. One of the things I've been meaning to do is go back and make new palettes for the skies. When the players go through a portal that leads to more action the sky palette will undergo a big shift. This helps in showing the players that they're making some sort of progress, I think! Here are some of the new skies:
I'm still using a shader to color the sky that uses a color look up table. I just load up a grayscale image of the game's background in Photoshop and then mess with a bunch of settings until I get a palette that I like. I then export a little strip of color that ends up being a 16 x 16 x 16 cube of color, and the game then uses that to colorize the sky in real time. I will never be able to make a game without shaders ever again.
Hi! I'm Kyle Pulver, and I make video games most of the time in Seattle, Washinton. Here you will find my thoughts, games, websites, doodles, and other stuff like that.
If you want to get a hold of me leave a comment, check out my email at the bottom of the page, or just tweet at me. Thanks for stoppin' by! You're the coolest.