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posts dated from: august 2016

Dev Log: Sky Sisters Webzone

Dev Log: Sky Sisters Webzone
With PAX coming up I finally got around to throwing together a quick website for Sky Sisters. It is nothing close to anything fancy, but it will have to do for now!


Along with the website you can see that I've finally made some sort of logo for the game. I tried a bunch of different designs with halos and wings and the angels themselves but after all of those attempts I settled on just having a simple text logo with a bubbly cloud looking style. Also I think the font I used for "Super" is the only font in the universe that can be used for writing "Super."

Okay now for real I am finishing getting ready for PAX...

Doodle Post


Dev Log: Menu Polishing

Dev Log: Menu Polishing
Something that popped up on my task list recently was redoing the menu backgrounds in Sky Sisters. Someone in my twitch chat recommended that I do something with the menu backgrounds as they were still using the old cloud background that I had made way back at the start of the project.

When I first started this version of Sky Sisters I made this cloud background that used a fancy shader and did all this cool fading in and out stuff but over time the more I looked at it the less I liked it. I got a lot of feedback that it didn't really match the rest of the game, so I redid the background for the gameplay but left the old sky background as the menu background.

It ended up only taking me an hour to replace the background with something that looks a little bit more like the rest of the game. I also went through and added some typewriter effects to the big chunks of text in the menus so that everything seems a little bit more dynamic.


The code for this animation on the text is actually really simple thanks to Otter's RichText class.
if (text.String != textBuffer) {
text.String = textBuffer.Substring(0, text.String.Length + 1);

var lastLetterTyped = text[text.String.Length - 1];
Tween(lastLetterTyped, new { ScaleX = 1, ScaleY = 1 }, 30)
.From(new { ScaleX = 1.5f, ScaleY = 1.5f })
And with that I'm now preparing to head out to PAX West. If you're going to be there make sure to say hello! I think I'll be showing the game somewhere near the Indie Mega Booth if it all works out. See you there!

Doodle Post


Dev Log: Story Arts

Dev Log: Story Arts
Just a quick update with some art from the intro of Super Sky Sisters!





Working hard on getting stuff together for PAX!

Doodle Post
