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posts dated from: july 2016

Dev Log: Some Background Stuff

Dev Log: Some Background Stuff
Dang I don't know what it is, but my energy is still at an all time low this month. I'm scraping together some background implementations of the new assets though.


Progress in the game will mix up the background elements a bit.


Right now I'm listening to a podcast on how to stop procrastination... so that's some sort of progress I guess. I need a one way ticket out of bummertown, stat!

Doodle Post


Dev Log: Background Arts

Dev Log: Background Arts
Doggone it July has been a giant mess when I had the best intentions for it. It was going to be so productive, I thought, but little did I know what a giant lump of poop it would all become! Distractions and my brain filled to the brim with depression and anxiety have doomed July to the abyss. Well, I'm still scraping together some work. Here's some new background assets for Sky Sisters.


I'm also setting up the background changes in my cool spread sheet which gets translated into code with the push of a button in Visual Studio.


More background arts to come!

Travel Pillow Mock Up

Travel Pillow Mock Up
As I work on finishing up Sky Sisters I'm dreaming of what games I want to work on next. The first game that I've talked about here is my dice based RPG type game, but another one is a new platformer exploration kind of game.


See the full version here.

After Sky Sisters is done I'm going to work on two projects at the same time if I can manage it. The main reason I want to do this is because I want to have some sort of platformer game spun up along side my weird dice RPG game. The dice RPG game is a cool idea, I think, but the design of it is largely a mystery. There's a lot of unanswered questions, and a lot of issues that need to be solved. I'm guessing this is going to be a little bit frustrating, so I want to also have a project that seems more straightforward. Usually when I'm making a platformer there's way less "mystery" in the design. Having something more grounded to work on when I'm not feeling the tougher design seems like a good idea, but only time will tell!

Doodle Post


Dev Log: Background Stuff

Dev Log: Background Stuff
Going to be honest and say July has been kind of a crap month for game development. I think it's been a good month overall so far, but it's been full of crazy distractions. I'm on another break this weekend as I hang out with a bunch of people watching EVO, so I'm still not surrounded by a lot of time to work on stuff... and there's another slight distraction known as Pokemon Go which I've given into since it motivates me to walk around the city a lot more.

Anyhow here's some new stuff for Super Sky Sisters. I'm working on new backgrounds to change things up as players progress through the game.



Hopefully I can get back on track pretty soon after EVO wraps up, and then I have a pretty long stretch of undisturbed time until PAX!