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posts dated from: february 2016

Dev Log: Sky Sisters Sky

Dev Log: Sky Sisters Sky
Over the past week or so I sat down with my twitch stream and worked on a new background for Super Sky Sisters. Check it out!




One of the most common pieces of feedback I was getting is that the sky was not really as cool as everything else in the game, and over time I agreed more and more with that feedback so I finally ripped it out and did an all new one. I think I liked the look of the old one still, but it wasn't coming across as that great, so out it goes.

The old sky looked like this:


Not too bad, but I think this is definitely an improvement. There's a lot more character and life in this new sky!

Exploring Explosions Talk

Exploring Explosions Talk
Last night I spent an hour or so talking about explosions! It was an internet talk that I gave from the comfort of my room to the fine folks at Warp Zone in Louisville Kentucky.

All the materials from the talk can be found here if you want to follow along with the animations and video footage.

It was a lot of fun to put together the talk, and get to share my excitement over particle effects to other game developers!

Doodle Post


Game Development Streaming

Game Development Streaming
Sorry for the all the dust around here lately! I've been caught up in a bunch of stuff this month, and I've started doing some cool game development streams on Twitch!


You can follow me on Twitch right here! Right now my schedule is every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday starting at noon pacific time. So far it's been a lot of fun and I've been streaming a lot of Super Sky Sisters stuff! With the help of the stream chat it's been pretty productive -- actually very surprisingly productive.

So I got a little bit swept up in getting my stream all put together so I forgot to write blog posts about my progress lately, but I'll be posting again this week with what's been going on with Sky Sisters. (You'll notice that I pivoted back to that from the dice rpg, but the dice RPG is still living on, I just am using streaming as a way to get back in the saddle of Sky Sisters so I can finally finish this dang game.)

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Doodle Post
