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posts dated from: may 2015

Doodle Post


Dev Log: Procrastination

Dev Log: Procrastination
Super Sky Sisters is almost done, but I'm having a lot of trouble actually bringing it across the finish line.

The very last thing to do on the game is animations and this is something that I struggle a lot with usually. Animation is probably my weakest skill amongst my game development related talents, and I usually save it for the very end of the project if I can help it. Offspring Fling had almost no animations until I was about 95% done with the game... I think the entire game was totally playable start to finish with all of the secret content and everything before I did a single animation on any of the enemies.

Since I'm not that good at animations I usually get very flustered when trying to work on them. I constantly do not produce results that are good enough for my own taste, which leads to me being very discouraged, which leads to me not liking to do animations, which leads to me procrastinating on doing animations even when it's the last thing to do in the project.

I should probably stop making excuses and just do it because that's the only way I'll be able to get this game done! But first.. I think I'll go work on sounds for a little while.

Doodle Post


Doodle Post


Figuring out a slightly different hair style for her!

Dev Log: Solo Mode Controls

Dev Log: Solo Mode Controls
Super Sky Sisters has a solo mode! But it's not for the faint of heart. It's going to be pretty tough controlling both of the sisters at the same time.


Yeah, that looks pretty awful, but is probably the one of the easiest ways I can explain the controls before things get crazy. The game wasn't really designed for solo mode so I hope that most people play co-op, but I understand that not everyone has the opportunity to do so and probably wants to just blow up stuff on their own.

It is actually pretty playable in solo mode until you end up crossing player 2 with player 1. Then your brain melts because the sister on the left is controlled with the joystick on the right of your controller and vice versa, but if you can manage to overcome that madness then it should be a pretty fun way to play the game.

Doodle Post
