I've been pretty heads down on my game project for the past couple of days. I've managed to fix a few bugs in Otter as well, but I'm putting a hold on any official updates due to issues with the Spine license that I'm pretty sad about.
The Spine license only allows people with a full copy of Spine to download and use the official Spine runtimes. I didn't know this at the time when I created a simple Spine graphic type for Otter. The situation I'm in now is trying to figure out how to easily provide that Spine graphic type for people using Otter, but also separate it from Otter so that I can distribute it only to people that have the Spine license... argh.
In the wild world of my new game, I've been just working on some art related tasks. I've been jumping all over the place and working on totally different things on each day, but that ends up working out because it keeps things fresh and interesting.
That's all for now! Things are going to be pretty hectic for me in the next 2 or 3 weeks, as GDC is fast approaching and I'm also going to be traveling a little bit before then. If you're going to GDC, we should hang out and get sushi!
Hi! I'm Kyle Pulver, and I make video games most of the time in Seattle, Washinton. Here you will find my thoughts, games, websites, doodles, and other stuff like that.
If you want to get a hold of me leave a comment, check out my email at the bottom of the page, or just tweet at me. Thanks for stoppin' by! You're the coolest.