I moved to a new URL! Check it out!

Now on Itch.IO

Now on Itch.IO
I think things are finally settling down in good ole Denver, Colorado. I probably should update the little paragraph about me on the right. I have my desktop PC all set up and going again with my ridiculous four monitor set up, so I got back to work by diving into itch.io.

You can now find almost all of my downloadable game titles available on kpulv.itch.io! A lot of the games there also have the option of tossing a few bucks my way in exchange for a zip file, but all of my free games are still available for free.


Itch.io seems like a really great platform and I feel really inspired whenever I visit. It feels a lot of like an underground scene of video games which is a pretty stark contrast with booting up Steam. Nothing against games on Steam, but I don't really think the big games on the platform really do anything for me anymore... but that's a blog post for the future (if I feel like diving into my taste in games, oh boy.)

I'm getting back online and back to work on my contract work, as well as Super Sky Sisters and one or two of my other prototype ideas.
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