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Dev Log: Hud Options

Dev Log: Hud Options
I'm almost done with all of these menus for Super Sky Sisters! One thing I wanted to add was a bare minimal hud for players that wanted to see as much of the sky as possible. I've also made some changes to the main hud that make it a little bit smaller and less intrusive, but we'll see if that's enough. I figure adding the minimal hud is a good option for people that don't like the normal one.

This is the normal hud right now:


And you have the option to change it in the options menu:


When you have the minimal hud mode activated you get a hud that looks like this:


I'll probably still make some changes to this but for now I'm happy with it. I also added a simple pause screen finally to the main game play because I noticed that I had to actually close the game and reopen it if I wanted to back out of the gameplay scene, whoops.


I'm giving myself one more month maximum to work on this and then all I have to do is figure out what to do with it... (I have no idea right now.)
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