Dev Log: SFML Text Woes
My most recent development is getting text working in my SFML based framework. Unfortunately I've run into some sort of problem with the text rendering though.

Whenever I render text, there seems to be a tiny artifact that appears on the upper left corner for the first character of the string, but it only appears in certain positions. The artifact seems to be less than a pixel since moving it around the screen causes it to flicker on and off. In this example I'm rendering text 9 times, 8 times for the outline, and once for the center, and you can see the artifact also rendered 9 times in the top left corner of the Q character.

This is happening independent of fonts, and characters. The only instance I have seen this not occur is when the text is never moving on the screen, or when the first character actually occupies the upper left corner of its bounding box (for example the Y character in Arial.)
Does anyone out there know what's going on here and how I can fix it? If it makes any difference, currently my framework renders everything to a render texture which is then drawn to the window... not sure if this has anything to do with it, but I've been running tests with just drawing SFML text straight to the window with similar results so far.

Whenever I render text, there seems to be a tiny artifact that appears on the upper left corner for the first character of the string, but it only appears in certain positions. The artifact seems to be less than a pixel since moving it around the screen causes it to flicker on and off. In this example I'm rendering text 9 times, 8 times for the outline, and once for the center, and you can see the artifact also rendered 9 times in the top left corner of the Q character.

This is happening independent of fonts, and characters. The only instance I have seen this not occur is when the text is never moving on the screen, or when the first character actually occupies the upper left corner of its bounding box (for example the Y character in Arial.)
Does anyone out there know what's going on here and how I can fix it? If it makes any difference, currently my framework renders everything to a render texture which is then drawn to the window... not sure if this has anything to do with it, but I've been running tests with just drawing SFML text straight to the window with similar results so far.
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