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TIGJam 5 Aftermath

TIGJam 5 Aftermath
TIGJam came and went before I could even process what was happening, and overall it was an awesome event to attend (again!) It's great to be able to visit and see a lot of awesome people that live very far away from me, but it's also tough to really get into the jam groove when sometimes I just want to socialize with the awesome people surrounding me.

The first night we got to play some Magic The Gathering with the fully customized "Indie Cube" set. I think the full spoiler of the Indie Cube will be going up soon, but Edmund and George are still working on fine tuning a lot of the cards so it might be awhile still.

As far as work goes, I was able to get a surprising amount of work done on my C# SFML framework, but unfortunately all I have to show still are boxes. I was doing a lot of work under the hood that will make the framework easier for me to use, and also make it easier to use in game jam scenarios. I've been implementing a lot of things from my old AS3 framework and trying to convert them this new fangled world of not being able to just craft bitmaps for all of my needs. RenderTextures seem maybe like a good substitute, but they seem waaay more intense than just making bitmapdata (my monster video card I think can only handle up to 16 render textures at the same time.) Check out my boxes!


I ate a lot of awesome and gross food over the course of the jam as well. Ranging from fancy pizza, indian food, sushi, and... Burger King. I haven't eaten Burger King is quite some time and now I remembered why. I also got to head up to San Francisco for a day to hang out with some cool indie developers which felt totally surreal since I've only ever been in San Francisco during GDC. While there I of course went to Ryoko's to get God Tier sushi! (I ate like 6 rolls myself.)

Now I am back home in Tempe trying to figure out what the next step of my next game is. Guess I'll just keep coding stuff for now! Oh and here are some neat pictures from my flight back to Phoenix. There also seems to be an eyelash or something stuck in my camera lens now.


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