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posts dated from: august 2015

Doodle Post


Doodle Post


Status Report

Status Report
It seems like 2015 is really flying by and once again I'm trying to figure out what happened to it! Obviously I have kind of shifted my priorities again to maintain some sort of sanity and happiness. What started out as a year of working on the island game tentatively titled Stratoforce has turned into working on a bunch of smaller stuff. The stress of working on one big thing for a long time got to me so I took a break, and now that break is pretty extended.


I'm still working on finishing Super Sky Sisters which is probably 98% done at this point. There's just a few more things to do, like figure out how I'm releasing it. I've gotten a lot of feedback from people that suggests I should put it on Steam or something, but that honestly sounds like more trouble than it's worth. My current plan is to release on itch.io for a small amount of dollars.


Other than that I'm working on a prototype involving dice. I've posted some gifs and such of it from time to time. I haven't spent a super long time on it yet so there's no real game yet, but I've been trying to figure out how to make rolling digital dice feel cool and not like a chore.

I currently have a contract gig that is taking up some of my time. I'm doing some character art and level tile art for an upcoming indie game that for now I don't think I can say what it is, but it is pretty cool to work on!

On top of that I'm still trying to flesh out all the examples I can for Otter. I think pretty soon I'll be able to call it version 1.0 and figure out what I want to do with it after that. I have tinkered around with some other frameworks and engines, but I still always go back to Otter... I just wish it were easier to export to Mac and Linux.

I think that covers everything! I'm staying busy, still just living that indie life I suppose. Eventually I will have to buckle down and release a new proper game, but for now I still think I'm having fun and keeping my emotional health up which can be very important. Working on small projects that have no expectations is way more comfortable for me, but I know that eventually that won't be paying my bills.

Doodle Post


Doodle Post


Back from Break!

Back from Break!
As you may or may not know I live in the desert out in Arizona, and in the summer it can get to be quite hot. Just a few days ago we hit an almost record high of 117F! That's 47.2C for those of you outside of the US. So for the past two weeks I fled the desert and returned to my native land of the east coast.


I spent a lot of time visiting family and friends that I don't get to see often because of living on the opposite side of the country. I did bring my laptop and had the best intentions to try to sit down and do some work while I was on the road stopping from place to place, but it just didn't happen. I decided pretty early on to turn the trip into a proper vacation and not do any work, or think about any work for the entire duration of my trip. That's a pretty big deal for me because I can't really think of the last time I actively tried to not do anything for that long! Overall I think it had a pretty good effect on me.


Now I'm back in the desert where unfortunately it's still 110+ degrees outside for the time being, but that's all the better reason to stay inside and work on games and other stuff. I'm going to try to catch up on posting on my blog, work on some of my projects, and catch up with Otter examples. At the end of the month I have another trip coming up for PAX, so I gotta squeeze in as much time as I can before that.


Now resuming normal operations.