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posts dated from: july 2014

Doodle Post


Doodle Breakdown


Thought it would be neat to go through the layers/phases of my most recent doodle post!

Some Otter Updates

Some Otter Updates
Over the past month or so I have been pushing a few updates to the dev branch of Otter. Slowly crawling toward the big 1.0 as I continue to work on, and work with the engine. My experiments of doing some tiny projects every now and then give me more ideas for improving the work flow, but I might save that for a post 1.0 update. Anyway, here's a few things that happened on the dev branch.

* Added SetPosition() to Graphic

* Added Start(Scene firstScene) to Game. (Instead of having to set Game.FirstScene)

* Added SurfaceX() and SurfaceY() to Surface for getting the positions on a surface relative to the game window (doesn't work for scaling and rotating yet though.)

* Added SetLayer() functions to Tilemap.

* Hopefully fixed Game.SetWindowScale() (It was rescaling some resolutions incorrectly, resulting in a few ugly pixels.)

* Added Axis.CreateWASD() and Axis.CreateArrowKeys() shortcuts.

* Fixed Grid not using its Color correctly.

Doodle Post


Okay this isn't really a doodle at this point. This was part of Corey's birthday present! It's her and her sister.

Taking a Quick Break

Taking a Quick Break
Whoops! I think this is the longest I've ever let my blog go without an update in a long time. I've been traveling a lot this month and haven't really had a whole lot of time to sit down and do a lot of cool game dev work to talk about.

I was at EVO just two weekends ago, and this last weekend I spent visiting my old college roommates, and some high school friends that I haven't seen in a billion years. Yesterday I was in New York City, and now for the rest of the week I'm in Upstate NY where apparently it's totally okay to convert the shoulder into a driving lane whenever you want. On Saturday I'll finally be back in Phoenix!

I have been working on a little side thing experimenting with near-infinite level generation. It's a little game in Otter right now with just boxes and the game scene is filled in as the player travels through it. Areas of the level also unload when the player gets too far. I wanted to try to make something in which the player can go out in any direction and keep finding stuff, and not have it be bound by any walls or anything like that. I started it on the flight out to the east coast, and worked on it a little bit in a coffee shop in NYC more, but right now it's just a bunch of squares that aren't that exciting.


I think for my developer/mental health I should start working on tiny experiments like this more. It's something that I used to do often, but now I feel like I don't want to take time away from my main project, but that usually ends up being a bad attitude... more thoughts on that later!

Should have more time this week to work on some stuff though before I go back to the west. Sorry about dropping off the face of the internet for awhile!

Assassin Prince 360 Controller Mod

Assassin Prince 360 Controller Mod
I play a lot of TowerFall. So much TowerFall that I broke a 360 Elite controller within one month of purchasing it. I bought the "elite" controller because it was supposed to have that awesome d-pad that can transform and all that good stuff. Well it turns out that using the d-pad excessively results in the shell of the d-pad just cracking and breaking off.


At this point the controller is already broken, so I figured trying to mod it would be the best bet. I grabbed a new d-pad off of ebay, as well as a set of pink controller parts. The d-pad came with the screw driver needed to take apart the controller. After looking at a quick video on how to take apart the controller, here's the result!


Now I am totally ready to take on all opponents in style.